History of the EyeTracker Project, my capstone project at ASU.
Our team, composed of David Hayden, Michael Fruchtman, Trevor Madsen and I, decided to use an
eye-tracking hardware Tobii Eyetracker, provided to us by the Cubic lab.
During our first semester we fashined a simple 3D world in opengl, and allowed the user
to look around, move and manipulate objects with the help of the eye-tracker.
During our second semester, we defined our goal more concretely - we developed a visual
browser of Wikipedia. The program would display a representative image of one article, and
surround it with other images from linked articles. The user could zoom in, and read the whole article,
or could right-click on a related one and make that one the main article.
The project linked here is not our complete project for two reasons:
One, our complete project uses eye-tracking hardware, which obviously isn't available to download.
Two, our project uses a hashed version of Wikipedia for quick searching, as well as a huge (over 200GB)
library of pre-cached images. While the full webpages were rendered in real-time, obtaining data from
Wikipedia, the representative images were all pre-cached.
My part was almost entirely related to the desinging of the 3D world, with all graphics code written
by me, with the exception of a multi-threaded image loader.
The EyeTracker project allowed me to gain experience on several concepts:
- Object picking using the mouse - pixel perfect with the use of GL_SELECT rendering mode
- Object movement - moving an object to the mouse's position. This type of movement is restricted to the
object's XZ plane (the horizontal plane). A similiar principle allows movent vertically, based
on a plane parallel to the camera's up vector, passing through the object
- Texture loading, and texture management in multi-threaded environments
- Skyboxes - properly rendering skyboxes so that no object will ever intersect them.
The latest version here, version 4, showcases some of our basic pricinciples. Right click on an object
for a menu, and to organize them. Again, this is not our final version, as that is too large to post here.
This is version 4 of the eyetracker project.
Pressing n creates a new collection (just 1 parent). Right click on
it to add children, and to organize them.
Here's version 3 of the EyeTracker Latest Release.
This time in ZIP format for compatability.
Heh, its 09/09/09.
Anywho, this is the EyeTracker latest stable(ish) release as of today. Just the executable files.
Milcho Penchev