Project Goals
The project aims to achieve an animation of a provided Human Model, based on the animation of the underlying skeleton structure.
Skeleton Animation has the advantage that it can be applied to many different models, not just 1 model. This is part of what this project is trying to achieve.
The greater goal is to provide a base for an animated character in a video game. (The specifics of the video game are still in development)
- Milcho Penchev
Want to help?
The project is developed by just me so far. I am capable of handling the programming part of the project for now, but I'm only a programmer. My modeling experience is genreally restricted to non-human objects, and frankly, it's quite limited. There are also other areas, such as sound, which I have little to no experience in.
- Milcho Penchev
Project Details
The project is written in C++, under Visual Studio 2008. It uses a number of support libraries for different functionalities.
SFML: Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, for window creation/management and sound. The library will also find future functionality in image loading.
Freetype and FTGL for OpenGL based font-rendering.
GLEW for OpenGL extension management.
- Milcho Penchev